domingo, 15 de janeiro de 2012

Article about protection Baltic sea shore.

Protection of the Baltic Sea shore.

In 2009-2013 will be accomplished project of protecting Baltic Sea shore, which belongs to administration of Municipal Office in Gdynia. This undertaking includes four parts of South Baltic Sea shore: Ostrowo, Rozewie, Hel cape and Westerplatte. Total cost of this project will amount to 69 371 175 zl (around 16 000 000 euro), including 57 937 185 zl share that  European Union gave to Poland, within the scope of Operation Program – Infrastructure and Environment (POIiŚ). The Environmental Protection Fund and Water Economy in Gdańsk play a role of Institution that implements this Operation Program (POIiŚ). Fortifying seashores  is one of the 14 projects which are being accomplishing within a scope  (POIiŚ) program.
These projects are investment which refer to environment and people and this is what we need. This (POIiŚ) program is intended for being implemented in big cities, but in the Pomerania region, a lot of rural areas got a bailout. Thanks to it , finally sewage  can be installed there. Projects are being implemented on the Kashubia Region.  Septic tanks very often  were not hermetic properly. When the investment is accomplished, environment will be cleaner and safer for surrounding- says Danuta Drozd, Director of The Environmental Protection Fund and Water Economy in Gdańsk. In the Pomerania region all of these investments are being accomplished according to plan. – she adds. 

With a group of journalists  invited by The Environmental Protection Fund and Water Economy in Gdańsk  we had an opportunity to observe works of fortifying seashore  near Ostrowo city. In the Ostrowo area we we were fortifying a 2600 m seashore with the aid of the system invented by Italians. It consists in building artificial dune, the constructions consists of 6 floors. The  ground floor is based on mattress  on which they are layers of “big cages baskets”, in which at the beginning lay down a land, soil and then cages- says Ryszard Dudziak from WMW Company. They will plant a special type of grass on this built fortification. This type of grass is found in the centre and north parts of Europe, mainly on sea dunes. It produces very long rootstock, what contributes to consolidate dunes. 

Sea Buckthorn will be also planted, because expands very well and has spikes and provides additional protection against penetration of the area.

-           The strengthening  will be not seen – emphasizes Jacek Adamski from Maritime Department in Gdańsk – This strengthening should hold for about a hundred years, even very strong 12 scale storms. It is formed just to protect against flooding and leaching the only road leading to The Hel Peninsula.
The Hel Peninsula is a special place, of still growing interest in tourists who are attracted by clean air, beautiful sea and the only one Seal Centre in Poland. Another advantage of Hel is undoubtedly access to the most southern tip of the Polish Baltic coast. For the past several decades The Hel Peninsula used by the military was unavailable for tourists. For tens of hectares are military buildings, lo-cating batteries, tank destroyers even before the Second World War, but first and foremost there are great forests and valuable natural areas.
  We are on one of the most unusual places in Europe, a few yards away in the sea is 60-meters fault built only with sand without rocks and stones – in Krzysztof Skóra opinion, from University of Gdańsk this is ingenious natural-geomorphological form.
Unfortunately the cost on southeast of the entrance to the port of Hel is more like a landfill debris and stones after a general renovation.

    Over a distance of 400m of the shore work will induce reconstruction of seawall. Wall will be built airtight, reinforced bottom and also will be taken strengthening of stones, with the edges of the Gabion rollers – said Roman Kołodziejski from Maritime Department in Gdańsk, and added: Part of the debris will be selected,  some crushed and in addition secured by a stone. It will be a permanent part of strengthening the bank, which in the first place will be effective and secondly look nice.
The area in which will be made the strengthening of the shore is exceptionally natural valuable and belongs, like the Hel Peninsula to the Natura 2000 network.

It is an area where we see enormous pressure for redevelopment of the banks, risk is also disordered tourist penetration. This land had previosuly been inaccessible for people as soon as military withdrawn and made this place available, began treading paths in the dunes – said Iwona Pabiś-Beszczyńska, head of Team for Nature Conservation, Environmental Education and Information from Gdańsk. Last year there was a meeting of all interested groups: Wejherowo Forest District, the Regional Directorate of Environment Protection in Gdańsk, representatives of local government from Hel and Gdańsk, scientists and associations. It has been developed a model of tourism, whose element is boardwalk, hiking trails and footbridges over sensitive sand dunes. At first the municipality of Hel has requested Coordination Centre Environmental Projects for funding such a project, but it was rejected.

Happily, the Maritime Department, not only wants to strengthen the edges, but also to protect the dunes from being crushed and agreed to expand strengthening the edges project of paths and boardwalks construction.
- Fortunately, Maritime Department wants not only to consolidate the seashore but  protect sand dunes against falling apart, therefore they accepted the improved project of strengthening seashore by building there pathways and a boardwalk. It is possible to accomplish, because we managed to save up the time and parts of means which were allocated to implement the right one project. Currently is taking place a process of gaining licence - Danuta Drozd says. 

The realization of the Baltic Seashore Protection Project which are in competence of  Maritime Department in Gdynia would enable on the one hand to consolidate the seashore and improving it esthetic, and to get into order touristic movements on the other hand. It would be able to realize by creating the attractive touristic area, what may reduce investment pressure on that area. 

- We want to protect natural values. The cheapest way would be fencing that area, all the more, that exists there the white sand dune and the grey sand dune, which is the priority environmental complex of European Union. Unfortunately, sand dunes play a role and serves as public convenience, ‘dressing room’, and meeting place. The cape is a place of a rest of bird, and besides that spreads over there a beautiful view during the storm. – prof. Skóra says. She mentioned as well that they successfully designed the humanocentric boulevard, where would be located descents to water and space to sit down.

Mrs. Skórka indicate how crucial is to regulate the touristic movement on the cape, cause this place is visited by 370.000people annualy. Those data are delivered by control tower with camcorder which enable to count people and animals. Besides that building of the boardwalk would make possible to display the Laskowski Battery as called “the cape battery”. In 1939 mentioned battery was a crucial element of protecting Polish Seacoast. As was emphasized by Roman Kołodziejski, Maritime Department in Gdynia is counting on collaboration with Association of the Friends of Hel City. 

The Sand Dune Park, one of the touristic attraction of Hel, arose on the place where formerly has been  located  seaside dune.
-           We want to present here typical for dunes plant cover of Baltic seashore, with specific for them flora and fauna complexes and other elements of abiotic environment. It enables to present succession stages, and depicts problems connected with protection of seaside dunes against destruction – prof. Skórka says.
 Within the sand dune park has built chain of overdunes bridges (gangways), which will provide tourists and observers with superiority over exposition objects from the one side, while from the other will protect the flora of dunes against trample them. The gangway was built from recycling material. During a stroll we are passing by Sea holly (Eryngium maritimum) 

-           Out of this area we collected and removed 600 ton of rubbish including 4 tracks of bottles. Afterwards we planted indigenous species of plants, thanks to that there are already growing and flourishing Sea hollies (Eryngium maritimum) and other protected species. We built particular arbours where are located solar cells which provide lamps located under the gateway with energy. They turn on at the night and compensate shade during the day for plants, they are main source of light and allow plant to photosynthesis. – prof. Skórka says 

Just for a while we are visiting marine seal aquarium, where we watching how qualified  medical trainers  are building a relationship between them and seals, in order to have a chance to carry out variety medical tests for instance: how big impact has a noise on sales. 

Prof. Skórka is giving to us fish cans simultaneously stressing that we need to watch out and buying only those fish cans which are specially labeled, cause they informed us that fishes were being catched in secure way for porpoise and sales.

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