sexta-feira, 13 de janeiro de 2012

It is still not enough...

I have just listened to very interesting Ted talk speech, 

He is talking about climate changing and global warming. “We have got a climate crisis.” Speech was inspired by her 15- years-old daughter who said “ your generation created this problem, so you’d better fixed it” . with his partners they decided to do something and learn more about these problems. They set out on a lot of journeys to, for example Brazil, China, India. He is talking about what they had learnt visiting all these places. He gave an example of one the largest private employer in America, company “Wal-Mart”. The director of this company decided to go green and to reduce energy consumption by 20% in stores that exist, and by 30% in new stores in 7 years. What did they do? They painted the roofs of all their stores white, they put smart skylights through their stores, so they could harvest the daylight and reduce the lighting demands. Moreover they put the refrigerated foods, behind closed doors with LED lighting. He says that we need all others companies to do the same. He says also that is difficult to change consumers’ behavior because they do not know how much the stuff costs. 
During his speech he is sharing people with a lot of behind- of-scene stories related to ecology. They said that Sacramento ( California) needed a market- based system of mandates that is going to cap and reduce greenhouse gases in California. So they went to Sacramento and met with  7 undecided legislators, and they convince them to vote for  “AB32” and it passed. It was very important because California was the first state that will have reduced greenhouse gases by 2020. Now California emits only 7% of U.S CO 2 emissions. Then they went to Brazil to meet with Dr. Jose Goldemberg.( father of ethanol evolution). Government mandated that every vehicle is flex-fuel compatible, what gave a lot of new work places, more ethanol pumps. Moreover it increased amount of new car fleet from 4% to 85% flex-fuel and they saved 32 millions of CO 2. But it is not enough in the world’s scale. 
During his speech, he is expressing his doubt about nowadays eco- activities, that they are still not enough. That world needs much much more. He specifies all this bunch of surprises, that who would have thought that these situations that he talked about could change a little for a better condition of our Planet?
He also moves a big problem of China that is one of the biggest CO2 producers. According to him “going green could be the largest economic opportunity of the 21th century”. In the end he is calling to everyone to make going green. He hopes that people would multiply their energy, talent and influence to solve this problem.I recommend watching it.

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