sexta-feira, 13 de janeiro de 2012

My dream journeys to World protected areas.

If I had an opportunity to make my dream journey to protected areas I would like to go to visit Iguazu  National Park. The park was created in 1934, on the boarder of Argentina and Brasilia.  Nowadays this Park is on the Unesco list. Why do I want to go there? Because I want to see the infinity of water…; I love seas, oceans, so the first place I would visit, it will be Iguazu National Park, where you can admire famous The Iguazu Falls. It consists of 270 white waters, which make unforgettable impression on you!  I can’t  even imagine the width of it- 2500 m! And this sound of pouring water…makes me relaxed and at the same time, reminds me how the nature is strong and unpredictable. Especially when I am looking at one white water named, Devil Throat. It really looks like it would swallow me!:) But the most important and beautiful protected part of nature in this place, there is  a rainforest which surrounds Iguazu waterfalls. Accumulation of different types of very green and tall trees att. In Poland for sure I attracts me so much because in Poland I am not able to see something like this. There we can see a lot of species of wild animals, for me I am most interested in a diversity of butterflies…so let’s look for them and enjoy the beauty of landscape!

Let’s change completely the environment and move to area where is no water…and next place that I want visit too. Despite the fact that a big amount of water makes a big impression on me:D, I have to add that sometimes is good to change the point of view and start to be interested in something new. This time I am taking you to west Africa, to Namib-Naukluft National Park. There we can see Namib desert which is the oldest desert in the world. One day I would like to visit this desert, from my point view, in other end of the World, and admire these natural made orange sand dunes. They look almost like sand mountain, what for me is very beautiful. What is more, here I can see completely different plants, that I have never seen. Dry and lonely trees, that here and there you can notice…It looks like they are fighting for their life with no water at all. They are something weird in this empty landscape, a little bit frightening, like form horror movie, but nevertheless they match ideally to this environment. 

My last journey will be to a completely different place in comparison to thelast two places. Despite the fact that I hate when it is cold, and I find it difficult to cope with coldness, I am going on cruise alongshore of East Greenland, to the world's largest island that is not a continent. People say that polar regions are the most inaccessible areas in the whole World. They are right , because  on my opinion, it is really completely, completely different part of the World. I can’t imagine living there, because of though natural conditions, but as I want to see each interesting place in the World, I want to see it too. East part of Greenland it is a very special area, which is a part of National Park in Greenland. Fiords and mountains located near to each other, almost take my breath away! Ah what a beautiful view! This landscape made me come there, because it is something different…The climate that I am not used to, landscapes that I have never seen make that I feel that is what I wanted to see. And the largest fiord in the World, Scoresby Sund, almost killed me with its’ look. So big and shining in the sunbeams looks just perfect! And its’ shape reminds me the monument, triumphal arch, but, in this case, made by the strength of the nature. Only nature can create something like this. That is why I am happy that I can connect with this creativity, inventiveness and just beauty of nature. 

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